Thursday 12 March 2020

A Drunk Doctor and poor Adam – why a doctor cannot behave as an ordinary man

A Drunk Doctor and poor Adam – why a doctor cannot behave as an ordinary man. This story is about a poor man and a Doctor. Poor man was the man named Adam. Adam had a son. Adam loved him very much. One day his son got sick due to cold, he had high fever.Since it was too late at night and the nearest hospital was also 10 km away. Adam somehow raised his sick child and proceeded towards the hospital.
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Tuesday 3 March 2020

What Is Man-made reasoning (artificial intelligence)?

Man-made thinking (computer based intelligence) infers the reenactment of human data in machines that are acclimated to think like individuals and duplicate their exercises. The term may equivalently be applied to any machine that grandstands attributes related with a human character, for instance, learning and crucial reasoning.
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